C_Scor Sailboat Race Scoring Program

Program Description

The C_Scor sailboat race scoring program is designed to provide a flexible, but still easy to use scoring program for one design events. The program is optimized to handle long series events where not all boats are registered before the first race and the registration information may vary from race to race. The program can handle up to 26 fleets where each fleet may have different scoring rules and race schedules

The C_Scor program runs in the Microsoft Windows environment and is well integrated with the World Wide Web and other computer systems. Registration information can be input from a variety of external sources and other c_scor events. All of the program data files and reports may transmitted via e-mail to other users and/or contestants. All reports are generated in the form of web pages ready for posting to the web server, including user specified format customization for compatibility with the host web site