Program Features
Run time windows environment:
- Microsoft windows 95 or later.
- No special hardware required.
- Tested on windows XP.
Conforms to the Racing Rules of Sailing 2009 - 2012 with many customizable options. Most control information is optional and all controls default to US Sailing standard.
- Number of races to drop, score, or drop as a function of the number of races completed.
- Add or override standard score codes.
- Override computed scores - force a particular value or add / subtract a constant.
Implements the following scoring methods:
- Low Point, plus long series.
- Bonus Point - was Olympic scoring
- Low Point Average.
- High Point.
- High Point Percentage.
Program information is optimized to operate in a web based environment:
- Import (copy) Registration Information from a spreadsheet.
- Import (copy) Registration Information from another event.
- Add Registration Information from a bar code scanner.
- All Reports are generated in the form of web pages.
- User customizable template for reports
- CSS class names for most field and data status indications.
- Reports may be viewed in the program or via a separate web browser window
- Reports are web publishing ready as generated.
- Files and reports easily sent as e-mail attachments.
Operation supports vary long series with flexible registration and schedules:
- Fleets may sail zero or more races in a race results file. Not all fleets sail the same number of races.
- Race identification user modifiable per fleet start.
- Supports registration of 'extra' entries that are not included in series scoring, but are included on individual race result listings.
- Allow modification of the Sail Number and/or Skipper for a single race.
Reports generate full report or subset reports for selected entries based on:
- User defined group
- 'From' identification string
- Top # boats - where number # is defined per fleet.
- Custom user defined reports. Include control for:
- order of record selection ( select one - list - all ),
- print field selection,
- file breaks, print page breaks.
- Web index page generation
Large capacity - primary limit is the amount of memory available on the host machine:
- Up to 26 fleets A-Z
- Up to 99 race files.
- Up to 250 boats per fleet.
All data is stored as Windows text files using semicolon ';' to separate fields and coma ',' to separate multiple entries in a field.
- Easy to copy or update with standard text handling utilities
- Easy to input registration and race data to other windows programs (i.e. Microsoft excel)