BBYRA Championship Regattas - 1946

17ft. Catboat

Sea MaidL 2Craig White 129616001600144416001600 1521152116021
CatnipL 3Geo. Clark, Jr. 122514441444129613691521 1444129614594
U & IL 4D.V. Applegate 144413691296160012251225 1156115613886
FelixL 7B. Winkelman 152112961089 •152112961296 1296160014345
Sea PussL 18F. Winkelman 160015211369136915211369 1369136915152
ShawmutL 70R.L. Drew 136911561521122514441444 1600144414703
Total Entries 76767668

Bonus points added to total average for all entries not dotted
• With Daily Score - No Bonus because of Disqualification