2002 Scoring

  1. The Low Point scoring system of RRS Appendix A will apply. RRS A.9, Race Scores in a Series Longer than a Regatta, replaces RRS A4.2.
  2. The number of scheduled races is 10 (except 'E' Sloop, 8)
    1. When fewer than 5 races have been completed in her class, a boat's series score will be the total of all her race scores.
    2. When 5 to 6 races have been completed for her class, a boat's score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
    3. When 7 to 8 races have been completed for her class, a boat's score will be the total of her race score excluding her two worst scores.
    4. When 9 or more races have been completed for her class, a boat's score will be the total of her race scores excluding her three worst scores.
    5. DSQ including Failed inspection, shall not be excluded. This changes RRS 88.3b.
  3. Qualification for the season Championship Will require a boat to enter 66% of the races completed by her class. ( 7 for 10 completed races, 6 for 8 & 9, 5 for 7, etc.)
  4. In order to enter the championship, a boat must register for the entire season before her first race. Races sailed prior to season entry will be scored DNC.
  5. Daily entries will not be included in series scoring

Control Information

Races were scored using the St. Petersburg scorer program, with all season registered boats in a group so they can be isolated for scoring.