BBYRA Championship Regattas - 1941

Number of Races Sailed - 9
Boats missing more than two(2) races - do not qualify

Sneakbox A - Class

Scoring Summary not found - reconstructing series points

Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClubPercent
Fan TanM-15Ill, Charles L.ownerM77.7
Tern IIB-67Ill, JaneownerM72.2
FlapperM-16Benedict, John P.ownerM71.8
HawkM-1Dimm, RossownerM
WigwamM-18Lewis, E. MowerownerM69.4
U-Tell-EmB-40Dodge, Edwin F. Jr.ownerBH67.0
DorekieM-100Bramhall, GeorgeownerM50.0
Blue FlashO-7Thompson, Robt. C.ownerOG45
Lady LuckO-6Boyle, DanielownerOG29

Other Non Qualifiers:
Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClub
Boo HooB-0Sanborne, PaulownerBH
CorsairS-5Edwards, EarlJames, HowardSP
Egg NogL-7Cockefair, G.ownerL
FoxyM-66Fox, RuthPfaff, AlbertM
Frozen AssetsL-2Law, RobertownerL
IforioS-1Loughran, TomownerSP
JeanieM-5McCollum, MargaretownerL
Me TooO-13Paton, JackownerOG
Mobig DickS-4VanSyckle, RichardownerSP
Parakeet II8Duval, JohnownerM
QuestB-16Holmes, GeorgeGilman, BBH
Red DotS-9Barnes, ThelmaownerSP
SkeeterM-18Pilling, KEarle, J.M
SkibbieS-3Boyer, JamesownerSP
SnapperB-42Edwards, BruseownerBH
Thistle Godshalk, ElizabethownerM
To-n-froS-00Diebert, JeanownerSP
Tom TomL-40Baldwin, ThomasownerL
WaspM-66Pfaff, AlbertownerM
WedunkO-2Williams, RobertownerOG
VagabondM-25Pyle, W.ownerM
Total Entries = ??