Dale Trophy
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O.G. Dale Memorial Trophy

Outstanding Sportsmanship in BBYRA

"Awarded for a period of one year in recognition of Outstanding Sportsmanship in the Barnegat Bay Yacht Racing Association."

This award recognizes outstanding sportsmanship and conduct. Any sailor, skipper or crew, senior or Junior is eligible to be nominated for this award. "If no ones name readily comes to mind during the racing season, there is no need to make this award."

"Also, if someone has already earned recognition for good conduct during any of the past few seasons I see no reason why the award couldn't be made this year on that account."

Slade Dale This trophy was donated by F. Slade Dale in June of 1936, in memory of his father - Orton G. Dale. Deed of Gift Letter

The original bronze cup has had three silver bands and bases added over the years, the most recent in 2005, to make room for the winners names.

Trophy Winners History
YearWinning Person (s)
2023Dick Torpey
2022Richard “Dicky” Wight
2021Gary Stewart
2020Sean Bradley
2019Randy Nunn & Dave Magno
2018Russell Lines
2017Clay Johnson
2016Matt Goetting
2015Kyle Rogachenko
2014Dan Crabbe
2013Peter Sayia
2012Ed Vienkowski
2011Henry Colie
2010John Harkrader
2009Arthur S. Baily
2008Bill & Barbara Warner
2007Mike Sparks
2006Mimi Dimon
2005Jim Cadranell
2004Harold Lewry
2003Will Demand
2002John Wardell
2001Dave Magno
2000Peter Kellogg
1999Buzz Reynolds
1998John Callahan
1997Joseph Van Horn
1996Roger Brown
1995Peter Kellogg
1993Clifford W. Campbell
1992Edmond (Ted) Skinner
1991Job L. Gash
1990Peter Chance
1989Kathy Blundin
1988Sumner White III
1987Burton Dezendorf
1986Samuel M. Garrigues
1985Dotty and Harry Applin
1984Lachlan Beaton
1983Sophie Kirk Terhune
1982N. R. Hartranft
1981Bill Da Costa
1980Sam V. Merrick
1979B. Gilbert Patterson
1978Toby Price
1977Not Awarded
1976Homer F. Dennis
1975F. Thompson (Tommy) Brooks
1974William D. DeCamp
1973William (Bill) J. Harjes
1972Runyon Colie Jr.
1971William T. Hornidge
1970Philip R. Van Duyne
1969Burton Wright
1968David Beaton
1967William G. Alznauer
1966Not Awarded
1965John W. Orelup
1964James G. Carson
1963Britton Chance
1962Thomas L. Chapman
1961William M. Wood
1960Runyon Colie Jr.
1959F. W. Winkelman
1958S. B. Fortenbaugh Jr.
1957Donald C. Horter
1956George A Erhardt
1954William W. Fortenbaugh
1952John C. Cattus
1951Edwin J. O'Malley Sr.
1950John F. Stillman Jr.
1949Nancy B. Dreier
1948Robert F. Snyder
1947Louise Cattus Wells
1946Dr. Albert Mulfoed
1945John W. Orelup
1944Lucy S. J. Lewis
1943William J. Allsopp
1942J. Leslie White
1941Raymond L. Drew
1940Edward Braddock
1939S. V. Merrick
1938Charles L. Ill II
1937Albert B. Diss II
1936D. McE. Crabbe