BBYRA Championship Regattas - 1939

Number of Races Sailed - 12
Boats missing more than two(2) races - Not Included

Catboats 17ft. - Class

Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClubPercentPoints
U & IM 5Price, RobertownerM85.6%77 of 90
Stepin FetchitM 77Runyon, LarryownerM74.2%69 of 93
Sea MaidS 2White, J.O.White, CraigSP63.3%62 of 98
Swamp AngelM 11Titus, HerbertownerM53.1%52 of 98
ShawmutL 70Drew, Raymond L.ownerL46.2%43 of 93
DuckingS 8Musser, JohnownerSP32.3%30 of 93

Other Non Qualifiers:
Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClub
BobcatI-2Carnell, Wm. G.ownerIH
CatnipB-3Orelup, JackownerBH
MermaidI-1Levering, W.W.Chestnut, H.M.IH
U.D.S-18Benkert, Miss IsabelownerSP
Total Entries = 10
Chance CupU & IMYC
Thacher CupStepin FetchitMYC