BBYRA Championship Regattas - 1939

Number of Races Sailed - 12
Boats missing more than two(2) races - Not Included

Sloops - Class G

Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClubPercentPoints
ScudG-1Brightman, RobertownerBH86.3%119 of 138
MouetteG-2Rogers, L.H. 2edownerBH79.1%109 of 138
Colleen IIIG-10Rose, G.ownerBH67.5%85 of 126
Barlee IIG-24Perrault, RichardownerBH57.2%83 of 145
HalcyonG-5Coverley-Smith, J.A. JrownerBH60.8%84 of 138
Dauphin IIG-3Thomas, Miss JaneHahn, DaneBH66.2%96 of 145
ZenoG-23Harris, GeorgeownerM52.3%76 of 145
Narf IIG-20Snyder, RobertownerTR51.0%74 of 145
Fanny DunkerG-9Mensing, H. StewartownerL43.4%63 of 145
HorizonG-22Cole, PhilipownerBH24.1%35 of 145
GoonG-21Connolly, BarryownerSP22.1%32 of 145

Other Non Qualifiers:
Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClub
Betsy AnnG-14Phelps, C.M.Pierce, W.G.M
IsisG-15Tracy, J.C.ownerM
Jane IIIG-19Hockenjos, FredownerSP
SandraG-12Minick, A.ownerBH
SnortG-7Chandlee, W.B.ownerBH
ThaliaG-11Smith, SylvesterownerBH
Total Entries = 17
Governor Hoffman TrophyScudBHYC