BBYRA Championship Regattas - 1934

15ft. Sneakbox - Class A

Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClubPercentPoints
Doon IIM-4Colie, R. JrsameM95.6%301 of 315
WidgeonM-50Hart, R.sameM94.3%297 of 315
Gedunk IIO-4Richman, D.sameOG88.0%277 of 315
AlertM-9Webster, M.sameM73.4%231 of 315
West WindB-15VanDuyne, G.sameBH64.1%166 of 259
Bay BeeB-22VanDuyne, P.R. JrsameBH60.9%176 of 289
Tern IIredDalzell, K.W. JrsameM59.4%187 of 315
Fan TanB-1Gray, J.sameBH56.3%148 of 263
Bay RumL-1King, G.sameL54.2%156 of 288
South WindL-3Newman, H.sameL53.7%169 of 315
U - 2L-12Irons, F.sameL50.2%158 of 315
Rascal IIIB-11Thacher, W.sameBH49.5%143 of 289
Nancy LeeB-37De Camp, W.sameBH48.1%139 of 289
LentementM-77Runyon, L.sameM47.0%148 of 315
CurlewM-3Downer, DsameM46.0%145 of 315
Squid IIM-0Huber, F.sameM45.9%132 of 288
CarlewB-99Hahn, D.sameBH39.7%125 of 315
And HowB-33Rose, G.sameBH33.5%87 of 260
WaveM-25Coddington, J.same 28.9%91 of 315
Wedunk2Fackler, D.sameOG27.6%87 of 315

Other Non Qualifiers:
Dumbell, Gee Whiz, Bay Daze, Flapper, Dizzy, Mouette, Out Pal, Divot, Little Ship, A.B.C. Scamp, Sea Hawk, Nips, Pegan, Debunk, Pop Eye, Bat, His Nibs, Eventually, Bay Spray, Madame X, Tid Bit, Who Cares, Foursome, BayBee, Vite, Lazy Bones, Sea Spray, Skibby, Bottoms Up, and Fiji
Total Entries = 52