BBYRA Championship Regattas - 1939

Number of Races Sailed - 12
Boats missing more than two(2) races - Not Included

15ft Sneakboxes - Class A

Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClubPercentPoints
WigwamM 18Lewis, CliffordownerM94.5%258 of 273
PegasusB 7Crane, BruceownerBH85.2%230 of 270
Tern IIB 67Ramsdell, EdownerBH76.5%221 of 289
U-Tell-EmB 40Dodge, EdwardownerBH74.7%216 of 289
WidgeonL 50Williams, Samil. L.ownerL72.7%210 of 289
WildcatO 7Thompson, Robt.ownerOG71.6%207 of 289
Barnegat BelleL 1King, ThomasownerL65.1%188 of 289
ScharhörnM 31Prince, David C.ownerM58.5%158 of 270
Vagabond IIIM 25Pyle, WeldonownerM57.8%156 of 270
Me TooO 13Paton, JackownerOG51.9%150 of 289
Boo HooB 0Sanborne, PaulownerBH49.8%133 of 267
WedunkO 2Williams, RobertownerOG49.1%142 of 289
HeronM 2Arkell, Miss SallyownerM42.9%124 of 289
JeanieM 5Burbank, DanownerM40.1%116 of 289
DynamiteM 40Humphreys, Miss PollyownerM37.5%93 of 248
DanfinoB 4 2Orchard, Miss SallyownerBH31.9%86 of 270
Ha HaB 79Cole, TaylorownerBH28.4%82 of 289
IforioS 1Loughran, JosephownerSP12.1%32 of 264

Other Non Qualifiers:
Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClub
Bay SprayS-5Ludwig, ChristianStahler, JackSP
BohunkM-99Montgomery, A.ownerM
Chase MeL-4Mathewson, Miss S.Applegate, Wm.L
FlamingoM-20Bell, H.ownerM
FlapjackM1-11Sangmeister, J.ownerIH
Flying EbonyM-41Derlin, Miss SheilaownerM
GaleO-16Robinson, M.ownerOG
Gee WhizB-10Duval, PaulownerBH
Hi HoS-14Driver, EdwinownerSP
IsabelB-78Cote, JoeownerBH
Little ShipL-17Stadehofer, J.ownerL
Lord JeffS-2Tomlinson, BarryownerSP
Nancy LeeB-7Jones, CatesbyownerM
Noddy TernS-2Tillotson, E.ownerSP
NomadM-16Earle, J.ownerM
Oh MyS-4VanSicle, RichardownerSP
Out-o-luckL-8Schless, BobownerL
OxacaLE-27Post, JohnownerM
QuestB-16Egbert, JackownerBH
Red DotS-9Oswald, HowardownerSP
Scarlet7Murphy, R.Benedict, Miss C.M
Silver HeelsS-8Musser, RobertownerSP
South WindL-3Newman, Miss J.ownerL
TippyB-27Jennings, N.ownerBH
Uncle SamL-16Clark, RichardownerL
WhatB-21Dolan, T.ownerBH
WowL-40Adams, DonownerL
Total Entries = 45
Admiral Elie Lavallette TrophyBarnegat BelleLYC
Orchard TrophyWigwamMYC