BBYRA Championship Regattas - 1939

Number of Races Sailed - 12
Boats missing more than two(2) races - Not Included

Snipe - Class

Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClubPercentPoints
Bandit153English, JackownerIH94.3%180 of 191
Rip Tide II1126Scammiell, FredownerIH89.4%186 of 208
End Run3556Elverson, LewownerTR79.0%154 of 195
Alcedo12Berry, Miss PeggyFreeman, PaulIH71.7%124 of 173
Quest3538Zwarg, WalterownerIH70.5%131 of 186
Neriad1348Daehnhardt, Miss LoisWright, JackIH67.8%141 of 208
Kibitzer3005Haddon, Chas. K.ownerIH63.2%113 of 179
Ploop505Mathews, Miss MarciaStanwood,IH61.0%106 of 174
Shadow3316Hooper, HarryownerIH59.3%118 of 199
Ace2495Brown, Ashley JrownerIH50.6%92 of 182
Bunkey2014Robertson, G.E.ownerL36.2%75 of 208
Buccaneer3007Power, L.ownerIH33.8%65 of 192
Half Shot 2486Haddon, Wm.ownerIH28.3%54 of 191
Skippit3551Moorehead, Miss B.VanSciver, Ed P.IH28.2%53 of 188
Seven891Bottomly, GordonownerIH24.0%50 of 208
Hard-a-lee2222Tubbs, DonaldownerM22.0%42 of 190
Bounty3545Dean, ErnestownerIH14.4%28 of 195

Other Non Qualifiers:
Name of BoatSail#OwnerSailed ByClub
Chinook1818Backman, EugeneBeltramini, A.L
Driftwood1478Kandig, H.Hangarter, E.OG
Ginnybet256Dickerman, Miss EmilySegoine, RichardIH
Hoodwink20Warner, Wm.Finch, EdTR
Jay Hawk3596Thompson, Robert S.ownerIH
Ranger2272Terhune, RichardownerIH
Rolls Ruff2956Lillie, GeorgeSnyder, ChasTR
Sharfet270Sangmeister, JohnownerIH
Sylph550Whittle, GeorgeownerIH
Total Entries = 26